Hannah and her friend Hannah from Washington taking pictures of each other. Hannah came out for Hannah's birthday. It was a surprise for both girls. My friend Shellie and I had been working together. Shellie woke up her Hannah that Thursday morning at like 3:30 am and asked her if she wanted to go see Hannah in TX!!! She was totally surprised. We picked her up at the airport and then surprised our Hannah. Hannah T. and Hope were up on Hannah's bed hiding when Hannah got home. I told my Hannah to go clean her room. She went up (very reluctantly :) and out popped Hannah T. WOW!! Was she ever surprised!
I have an office that never seems to have any pencils. So, I bought a 12 pack of my favorites and told the kids DO NOT touch. Well, a certain 4 year old touched. After a couple weeks, there were only 4 left in my pencil holder. One day I walked in and she had cut the erasers off the pencils. GRRRR!! I asked her why???? And she "didn't know". I told my parents about it a few days later. When they came for a visit last weekend...guess what they brought? New pencils and a pack of erasures!! We had a good laugh.
If you ever feel like you might be spending too much time on the computer...just have your husband wipe out all your "favorites". We have both gotten iphones recently (me:Christmas him:just 'cause he was up for an upgrade and iphones went down to $49) and he was messing around "sinking" (is that how you spell that word) his phone and it got all sorts of messed up. I went to my "favorites" and none of my "favorites" were left. What the what??? I had started (again after we got a new computer after we moved) a nice collection of random websites I liked to check. I was pretty annoyed at first, but now I'm looking at it like spring cleaning for my computer.
Oh well....moving on...Hannah just turned 12 on February 24th. We had a fun party that Friday night. Here, let me tell you all about it. She invited 14 people, so the cake decorating competition that she wanted to have was a no go. So we did a Survivor party. Pretty much the perfect party idea for her and her age group. The girls came in and got bandannas, divided up into tribes and then we started the games. I tried to do a mix of word games, memory games, balance games, physical games, and eating challenges. Just like in the real game. Some favorites: I made mud (chocolate pudding with Oreo and gummy worms) the girls got a glop of it and couldn't use their hands. When I asked the family what gross food thing we should make...pretty much all of them said "a green smoothie". I tried not to be offended. :) So, Scott prepared a smoothie that was pretty disgusting. Onion, kale, radishes, peppers,uhhhhhh what else? I know there is more but can't think of it. No fruit. Oh yeah some celery. It was gross. A couple of the girls got sick. Pretty great.We had something lined up one right after the other for 1 1/2 hours. Then, they all went home. Great party!!