I just bonded with the checker and the bagger at the HEB.
Checker: "Excuse me ma'am while I put my hair up, it's just so hot!"
Me: "Yes, it is hot. This would be nice weather...in July..."
Bagger: "It doesn't even feel like we had a winter here this year."
It went on from there, with the checker telling me she was from upstate New York and she "gets" to go to Philadelphia this weekend to see family. She also mentioned that it's so cold there right now, she does not have appropriate clothing and she was excited about that. The little bagger dude chimed in with a news flash I did not like hearing...this summer is supposed to be even hotter than last summer. I need to fact check that, I personally don't see how that can be. Hotter? Really? Please no.
Don't get me wrong, I have been trying really hard to appreciate the winter this year. It has been very mild. Most days are in the 60's. I like that, I really do. 50's, 60's occasionally we get a "cold front" down in the high 40's! Right up my alley. I went to Chicago this winter, and I had my fill of really cold and snow snow snow. It was pretty and I enjoyed it, but I was happy visit there and to leave that behind and come home to the 50's. But these last 2 days in the high 80's, I just can't support. Too hot thank you, because I KNOW it's just gets worse from here. Thankfully, we are getting a "cold" front tomorrow, 64* brrrrrrrr.
There enough, I vented. Now on to more interesting things like... why are there so many skunks around lately? I smell skunk just about everyday lately. The other morning, I went to the elementary school grounds (think open field with a dirt track around it) to let Rocky run wild, just like I do about every morning. When we got there Rocky acted weird. He started sniffing the air really big, and he kind of ran back and forth for a few seconds. I knew he smelled something, but I didn't see anything so we proceeded. Sure enough, as we were walking I spotted the skunk. Rocky was behind me snacking on some clover, so I was able to scream, jump, and make a complete fool of myself in front of the skunk and thankfully nobody else, turn around, and grab Rocky before we got sprayed. I tell you the wildlife here is something to behold. I am happy to report, that I haven't seen any wild boar in over a month. That's somethin'. **update According to my neighbor, it's mating season for skunks. All those skunks are just lookin' for love. But, judging by the amount of dead skunks on the road I see, they are lookin' in all the wrong places.