Saturday, December 18, 2010

I just have to say...

Several times recently, I have been looking through magazines and I have happen upon this one model. Every time I have seen her, I have taken a second look and said...REALLY? I saw her again while I was working out on Friday in a magazine, and I thought, THAT's IT!! I had to find out who she was and what the deal was. Her name is Georgia May Jagger. Yes, Mick's daughter. Her mother is Jerry Hall. She is a "hot" up and coming model. She is the new face of Hudson jeans and Rimmel of London. She has a pretty face, lovely figure, and the UGLIEST teeth I have just about ever seen. I think the first time I saw her, I thought she had fake teeth in. If you saw her with her mouth closed, you wouldn't think twice. But she likes to show off her teeth, and apparently so does everybody else. But really? Those teeth? I realize everyone doesn't have perfect teeth. But these teeth? I don't get it. It's just funny to me. Our society is so obsessed with perfectly white, shaped teeth. Everybody and their brother in Hollywood has those veneers. And the fake lashes (and or Latisse), fake boobs, injections blah blah blah. Why do they love her teeth? Very interesting to me. What do you think?


  1. yeah, i hate her teeth. so does garrett. not good.

  2. Not a fan of the teeth. In fact, I'm surprised they have not kept her out of the limelight. Your smile is a big part of your looks.
