Thursday, March 1, 2012

4 years ago...

I have gotten myself worked up into a frenzy/slight depression this afternoon. Ever since Hannah's birthday, I have been looking at old pictures more, mostly in scrapbooks. Well, yesterday Scott called and asked me if I knew what day it was. Hmmmmmm, what day was it? It was the 4 year anniversary of when we sold our house on Brush Canyon Drive, the day we signed the papers, the day I sat in the of the mortgage place and sobbed like a baby. Uhhgg. On one hand it seems like longer than that, and on the other it sort of seems like yesterday. I get a pit in my stomach just thinking about that day, how everything was packed up and I went from room to room and said goodbye to my house. Today would mark the 4 year anniversary of when we left Houston and physically moved to WA. A whole new adventure. What an exciting and scary time all rolled into one. I did so love our time there. But those first few weeks or so were very lonely and scary. Then something clicked and we had a brand new life, full of new friends, a new house and a beautiful rainy new city.

I went upstairs to find a picture of the Brush Canyon house, I didn't find any. Those would be on an external hard drive and way too time consuming for now when I should be making dinner, because I'm going to Hannah's track meet in about 20 minutes (she is running the 1.5 miler!) and then on to Hunter's track meet (he is running the 1 mile and 1 mile races today), and I won't get home until late. Hope and I just ate a big bowl of popcorn, so who's hungry now? Who even needs dinner?? I know a much better way to spend my last few precious moments at home... why don't I get sucked in watching old videos and looking at old pictures, and then blog about it??!! I'm feeling panicky, like life is rushing by too quickly, slightly sick to my stomach and a little depressed. They were all so little and so cute. I miss Hayden right now too...sniff sniff. Really, I'm fine, nothing a big old squeeze won't take care of. Ok. Get a grip, get those big girl panties on girl and get yourself out the door to some track meets. Live in the moment and appreciate each stage.


  1. I've been in a funk for about a week. I realized yesterday that at least part of that funk may be due to the fact that Jordan got her official acceptance to BYU last week. Talk about panicky. I'm so happy for her, and so sad that this part of my life is ending. (Then I wrapped Parker in a blanket and convinced him to take a bottle.)

  2. I loved your brush canyon house... so many memories there. but i also loved the WA house and this house, i only missed the temp one...

    at least you don't wear BIG big girl panties. and hayden will be home quick.

    i love you, sis.
