Thursday, October 1, 2009

Apparently, I had more to say...

I made another green smoothie today. I used (my own recipe): 2 handfuls of spinach, banana, apple, 1/2 lime (whole thing!. This smoothie was so fresh tasting! So much better than yesterday. Understandable, spinach is a lot more mild than kale. I read a book today while Hope napped, the whole thing. It was very interesting. All about why we need more greens in our diet. It was called Green for Life.

Read all about the amazing benefits of adding (lots) of greens to your diet. At least 2 large handfuls a day. Iceberg lettuce doesn't count. You know what does? Spinach, basil, parsley, kale, mustard greens, collard greens, arugula, romaine plus lots more. I would never go on a complete raw food diet, but it's very interesting to read lots of different books about our food, and take the best from all these different opinions. They all have something good to say. For instance, I could never eat ONLY local food. There are some people(localvores)that will only eat food that is grown/raise 100 miles from their house. I do think that is cool, I did grow a garden and eat out of it this summer and I do like to shop farmers markets. BUT, that would also mean no citrus, bananas, and greens in the winter. We are buying 1/4 of a grass pastured cow this month (and chicken) from Harmony J.A.C.K. Farms. For some of the benefits of grass fed meat go here or read The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. My point is, to not devote yourself to one way of thinking...but be balanced and glean the best from lots of different theories.

I made these Mar-a-Lago Turkey Burgers last night and they were VERY good. Do try!


  1. blasted. we're reading "in defense of food" for book club for january. i'm not thrilled about this. you know i like my processed food & firmly believe that ignorance is bliss.

  2. I too have been trying to increase my raw food intake. The results have been amazing. I recently converted from store-bought regular (not instant)rolled oats to purchasing oat groats and rolling them myself. What a difference! Fresh rolled oats tast superior in every way. I eat them raw in milk with some raw honey. One morning, after a few weeks of doing this, I didn't have time to roll the oats so I ate a bowl of store bought rolled oats. As a result, I was significantly constipated that day (TMI?). From what I understand, it's all about the enzymes. Raw foods rock, but I can't go totally raw. I believe many grossly underestimate how poorly we eat. I have also started eating raw almond butter instead of peanut butter in my sandwiches for lunch. And have blended some of my garden veges into a green smoothy (not delicious, but not gross either). My family thought it tasted gross (except my little Savannah, who comes back for seconds). Great blog Heather. Keep it up.

  3. P.S. I have also converted to raw milk - spendy, but healthy and delicious.

  4. BTW: Happy Birthday Heather!! Hope yesterday was a great day for you.

  5. I'll be very interested in what you think about the Harmony Jack Farms beef & chicken. I plan to purchase some for my family soon.
