Friday, November 6, 2009

Whobody knew?

A shout out to Carrie and Hayley for being my remote IT support! Thanks for the advice ladies. Who knew?? :) Obviously Carrie and Hayley and probably everybody else but me hahaha.

Anyway, I will tell you a funny little story about Hope. The other day she was playing with her little princess figures. All of a sudden she is saying very loudly, "Whobody moved my Cinderella?" Translation: somebody moved Cinderella, who was it? She invented a new word. I do miss when kids grow up and stop saying cute little mispronounced words/made up words.

**Just a side note, Hope's look on the picture above, is approximately the same look as when she was saying "whobody did it?"** Just thought you should know + I needed to test out my new computer skill.


  1. That little hope is a cutie! I'm going to start using that word!!

  2. I love whobody. That Hopey girl is going to get it! I CAN'T WAIT TO COME TO YOUR HOUSE FOR THANKSGIVING!!!

  3. Cute pictures. Whobody is adorable. That is some girl.
