Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's official

Scott signed the papers today...we are moving back to Texas. We'd love to stay here, but this area is very hard hit, and there aren't any jobs. There were a few places we targeted in the old job search and Austin was one of them, so I'm thankful we are at least moving someplace we'd really like to live!! I told Scott (probably 7 years ago) to "look in Austin, I'd like to live here". Well, he finally listened. He starts on March 1st. The plan for now is to let the kids finish the school year, and then we will make the move. I pulled them last time, and feel like we need to let them finish the year up this time.


  1. Yay! We LOVE Austin -- but I'm assuming you will be in the Cedar Park area? Deetails!!

  2. Yay! Glad to have to job sewn up. Even better that you'll be back in Texas.

  3. i'm so glad that you've got a job lined up & that you'll get to go somewhere you like. i'm excited to come visit, too ;)

  4. SO exciting - Congrats!! We love Austin. Do you know what area you'll live in? We love the Round Rock/Cedar Park area and were all set to move there - until Logan decided he wants to do residency in Utah - ew! Maybe he can go to Utah alone and meet back up with me in Austin when he gets his head on straight. Haha, kidding of course...slightly... ;)

    But really - congrats - what a relief to have a steady income again!

  5. We are looking forward to our Austin visits.
    So happy things are working out for your family.

  6. Yay! You better pack some warm clothes..........cause EVERYTHING is cooler in Austin. Hardy har har...

    Glad you are all set!

  7. Yay!!! Glad it all worked out - and since three of your kids are native Texans, born here, it is a good thing you are coming back so they can learn about their heritage! It will be a long few months until you move, but glad the waiting is over!

  8. So glad to hear this is settled! Austin is beeutiful! Lucky you!

  9. I am soo happy Scott got a job... but soo sad you are moving!!!

  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Okay, I'm so excited about ya'll having a job but HONESTLY!!!! You FOR SURE need to come to RG and BG. Love ya
