Sunday, February 14, 2010


A friend of mine here has this word...for things that are really good. I did get a little chuckle when I heard her use it for the first time...mouthgasmic. You know when you bite into something and you are making all those...well sounds. Hmmm, Ohhhh, Hmmm this is so good. And you go on and on, you know. When you have a mouthgasm.

So, my Mom (while she was laid up at home) started watching Martha Stewart again. She kept blabbing about how much she was enjoying her show. So I said, if she is enjoying that show so darn much, I best be DVRing that thing. So, I did. One of the first days I tuned in Ben Ford (Harrison's son, who is a chef with his very own restaurant in CA) was on. He made this delightful little chocolate cake.

Do you like chocolate cake like I like chocolate cake? There is cake, that I don't really give a hoot about at all, and then there is MOUTHGASMIC chocolate cake. I made the Ben Ford tasty little morsel chocolate cake tonight for our Valentine's celebration. I think as I was eating that cake Scott may or may not have given me a funny look. It was so good that I thought I best share with all of ya'all. (I am headed back to Texas, so I better get the ya'alls going haha)

Find recipe here. **Note** I did not add peppermint anywhere to this cake. Since I didn't add the peppermint candy to the topping, I added a little bit extra sugar.


  1. It looks divine. Couple of questions-- dark and sweet chocolate solid and not powder, right? Also, what is mascarpone cheese?
    I can hardly wait to try.

  2. Heather,
    Our you really moving back? Details!

  3. Where in Texas are you ending up? I want the scoop!

    And this cake? Sounds perfect!

  4. I was just looking to see if you replied and noticed my post. I wrote that 1st thing this morning, half asleep. I do know the difference between are and our I promise. UGH!!!

  5. when its on TV, I like to call that food porn:

  6. We are headed back to the great state of Texas, to Austin this time. I'll blog more about it tomorrow. Scott starts first of March, the kids and I will follow out at the end of the school year.

  7. i've been trying to call & talk to you, cause i don't think my response is appropriate for some eyes/ears. :)

    love you.
