Saturday, August 22, 2009


Hello??? Last year the first day of school was the day after Labor Day which was like the 2nd. So, I just magically assumed that the first day back would be the day after Labor Day...or the Wednesday because I did remember that the first day back was a Wednesday. Oh no, the first day back is before Labor Day on the 2nd of September!! I'm sure at one time I knew the correct date, after all I even have the back to school night marked on my calendar. But in the back of my mind...I was thinking the first day of school was the 9th or something crazy. I do believe my kids got gipped on 2 weeks of vacation compared to the Tomball schools. I am NOT complaining ;) This next week is our last full week of summer. I can't believe it. School supplies are all bought...and spread all over the dining room table. Hannah needs shoes, everybody needs jeans, nobody really needs shirts, and since socks apparently are disposable...everybody needs socks.
Hunter 8th
Hannah 5th
Hayden 2nd

Next year:
Hunter 9th
Hannah 6th
Hayden 3rd

I can't believe Hunter will be in high school and Hannah will be in middle school. Yuck!

I'm taking/dragging Scott to see Julie and Julia or whatever it's called. He is being a good sport, and not complaining (at all) because I really really really want to see it.


  1. It's hard to believe how quickly they grow up -- amazing, isn't it?

    And I want to know how the movie was - that's one on my list too.

  2. i can't believe how quickly these kids are growing up.

    i think i'll wait to redbox julie and julia but i have heard great things about it. scott's a good sport.

    the new comment thing is confusing mom, i got a phone call about it - fyi ;)
