Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wish me luck..."not break a leg" though

Wish we luck, I'm going to go pack for Hood to Coast. Wait, I don't need luck on the packing...just the running part. I'm excited and nervous and maybe dreading the middle of the night "very hard" run. I went to the dentist yesterday, and (he has run it before) he asked me my legs. When I told him what legs I was running...he got all weird and asked me what I knew about my second leg. I told him I knew it was going to suck, it was uphill, in the middle of the night, and very dusty. He gave me a mask to wear (you know the kind dentists wear). But I am the type of gal that imagines the very worse, I have been running some really ugly hills. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised. The hills I think I can's the middle of the night. I'm going to be tired. You know the other thing I'm worrying about? My contacts. When should I take them out, when should I put them back in? I'm bringing my Croc flip flops so my feet don't have to touch anything gross. I'm not worrying about any makeup except mascara. I don't want anyone to think I'm sick or anything. (When people see me without mascara for the first time...they always look twice! Damn those blond lashes!) Oh shoot, I need to go wash my sports bras. I don't want to start smelly. I am going to be very smelly. My workout shirts are those fancy ones that hold onto all the stank. I'd wear perfume, but I don't want to be that girl. I just want to get on with it already!!


  1. Good Luck!!! You'll do great. Can't wait to hear about it.

    FOAM ROLL, FOAM ROLL, FOAM ROLL!!! A rolling pin wouldn't be bad either.

  2. Good Luck! You will have to let me know how you do!

  3. Can't wait to hear how it goes! We're cheering from Idaho!!
