Friday, March 19, 2010

Hayden turns 8

For Hayden's birthday we had a party at the movie theater. We had cake and ice cream, saw the movie Diary of a Whimpy Kid, and then we got to take a tour of the movie theater...a behind the scenes look. It was pretty darn interesting I must admit. I enjoyed the tour much more than the movie ;) Hayden is now 8! Where did the time go? You know what I loved best about that party? It wasn't at my house. You've got to love the 8 year old boy... in small doses :)
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  1. i love that they put the sign up at the theater. fun! i can't believe he's so big, either!

    love you guys & miss you a bunch!

  2. I had so much fun at that party and the behind the scenes was so interesting. The movie was great, too. Hayden was sure excited and I think everyone had a fun time.

  3. I can't believe he's 8!! Wow! Hope all is well.

  4. Love the marquee and he's 8?? Great party idea, looks fun!
