Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Random thoughts

1) It's been raining a lot here. Winters aren't bad here, it's spring that gets old. In the first part of the the spring I was all smiles thinking that all was perfect here. BUT, I must admit, the rain is getting old. I have talked to several people that have lived here for many years, and everyone is saying this was the rainiest May ever. I'm trying to look on the bright side of things, like Austin will be sunny...

2) Scott just called me and told me I HAD to watch a show. It's the Biggest Looser Family Show. He just called a second time, to make sure I knew I had to watch it. He said I was "just like Jillian". I'm not sure he meant that as a compliment. I know who she is, but I have never watched the show. I think I will watch the show just to see how he sees me. ha.

3) There are 4 cookbooks that I really want to buy right now. I am waiting, taking a deep breath, and letting a few weeks pass by to see if I still want all 4. I'm waiting I'm seeing. Only 3 out of 4 are at the library. I checked that one out, and think I'd like to own it. Although, my library doesn't charge overdue fines, maybe I'll just keep it for a good long while. Looked at 2 more at the bookstore, and think I'd like them a lot. But probably don't NEED them. Haven't gotten my hands on the fourth yet, so definitely won't buy that one... yet. Maybe the Round Rock library will have them. Or, maybe I will treat myself. Haven't decided. Just thought you should know.

4) Hannah's dance recital is the week after school gets out here, and I still need to buy tickets, and she needs a Goldilocks wig.

5) School gets out June 17th here. The packers come on June 28th. The kids get ripped on about a month of vacation. Bummer for them.

6) Hope has stopped taking a nap again (a week now with no nap). She stopped all summer last year, but when the kids went back to school she started napping again. School isn't out, but she isn't sleeping.

7) I have mice in my garage. In true Heather fashion, I bought six traps. I wanted to buy double that, but talked myself down. I put peanut butter in them all, and set them. Most if not all peanut butter is gone, but none of the traps snapped. (Yes I set them right!) There is poop on my food storage, and one of my bags of oatmeal had a hole. I'm feeling really grossed out. My neighbor caught (really killed) SIX IN HER HOUSE. At least I'm not her. I would not be able to sleep. She put her cast iron skillet in the stove...and the next morning there was poop in the skillet. Mice are a problem here, in the spring, they don't like our May showers either. Just to clarify, I don't have mice in the house, ONLY the garage.

8) I have a toe nail fungus. There, I said it. Me...the girl that wears flip flops in a public shower. Why me? It all started when I was training for Hood to Coast. The trauma to my nail left me weak! Remember the mice? I'm feeling very creepy crawly these days. All in time for my big move to Texas, where I could wear sandals most months out of the year. Lucky me :)

9) Lastly, Hope was frustrated with me and just called me a "Monkey Lady" hahahahaha.


  1. "Monkey Lady?" it could have been a lot worse. She is a funny girl and apparently not picking up bad language or choosing not to repeat it. Nail polish covers the toe nail problem. I think trauma has more to do with those problems than the germs from showers. Running is right up there with causing trauma to feet and especially nails.
    I love my cookbook that you gave me, "Mother's Best" and also one Holly gave me, "Pioneer Woman." I like to read them like a book. I don't think rain will be a problem in Austin.

  2. we have had a lot of rain, too. snow, too. into late may. that's the part i'm sick of. i shouldn't complain about it not being hot yet though - i think the heat will make me pretty miserable this summer.

    ffhg. [fungal foot heather gray] i love you.

    sorry about the mice. momma no likey.

  3. After I saw The Julie/Julia project, I thought I HAD to have the Julia Child's cookbook so I bought it at Costco and haven't touched it since. Your post made me laugh because it made me realize how relative our needs and wants are.
    Good luck with the mice and the move!

  4. We had the mice thing when we lived in Camas. Found one dead in my boot once along with dozens of pieces of cat food. The cat couldn't be bothered to defend his garage turf. Even had them in the house (not too proud to admit it) and figured they'd come in when the kids left the storage room open behind the garage.

    But fungus? That's just nasty.
