Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Ahhhh! Back to felt good to get into my old routine of getting kids off to school, picking up the house, then going to the gym. Hope even took a nap this afternoon. The house was clean and quiet, until 4:00...then same old same old. But it was nice for a little while :) It was nice having the kids home again, too. Hopey missed her brothers and sister aka "the kids". She even talked to them on her cell phone (old cell phone not working ;) and told them all about the bus cake I made, and she told them she missed them and wanted them home.


  1. how cute - the bus, the phone calls ;)

    all of your kids are looking incredibly big right now. CAN'T WAIT FOR THANKSGIVING!

  2. Those are great pictures. Love all the personality. Cake is real cute. What a fun tradition. I know Hope was thrilled when they got home. She loves hanging with the kids.

  3. Yea for back to school routines - I love routines/schedules! I can't believe how BIG Hope looks in that pictures - all of your kids are dang cute! And that cake looks awesome - especially the chocolate donut wheels. I really really think I need a chocolate donut now. Stat.

  4. I'm still scamming off of your school bus cake. Kids think I'm a hero, so thank you. Its nice having them back in school huh?

  5. Oh my gosh! The mist in the background of the picture sure brings back memories. As does the jacket on the first day of school.

  6. How did I miss this post? I'm totally digging the back to school cake. I think a cake helps with every celebration!
