Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Heart attach for a big fat dummy

Funny story...
So, last night I was reading on FB, and this lady was talking about results from Hood to Coast. "OH good" I thought, I wanted to check and see how we did. I look on there...and I see my team...we are sitting at 16!! I'm like, "WE GOT 16th place in our division!!" I was so excited I was jumping around and yelling. I even go down and tell Scott and the rest of the family. Meanwhile, I am jumping up and down waving my arms. He knew...he said he already looked. He didn't seem nearly as impressed as I felt. But that didn't stop me from being as excited as if I had won the lottery. Just for your info, there are 1000 teams on H2C, I was on an all women's team. There are about 8 different divisions of teams, come to find out later. So anyway, after my little celebration, I got up to see just how many teams were in my division...see my Dad had asked how many teams there were. My Mom said, "There were 1000 teams!!" I knew we weren't 16th out of 1000, I thought it was out of at least 100. Well, no. It was out of 30 :) 16th out of 30 not 16th out of 100+. Still damn good. hahahahahahahaha!!!


  1. it should've clicked when scott wasn't that impressed ;)

    i would've been happy to be 16 out of 16. as long as i finished...

  2. I was there and it reminded me of a very excited Heather-- like on Christmas morning.
    It is quite the accomplishment just to run the race in my book.

  3. I am impressed regardless!! Way to go!!
