Tuesday, October 13, 2009

looking on the bright side of things...well trying anyway

Quick catch up...Scott traveled a lot in the beginning of the month for work, so I was busy busy with the kids. You know how it is, having to be 2 or 3 places at once? Good times.

Anyway, Hunter broke his ankle playing football on like...hmmmm the 2nd of October (it was a Friday). At first, the coach saw a bruise on his shin, and iced that. It wasn't until Hunter said, "Uh, it's not my shin that hurts it's my ANKLE!" that Scott realized it might be a little more serious than "taking a helmet to the shin." The coach's response to Hunter's comment..."Son, your shin feels better because we have been icing it." Oh...great...thanks. Scott did the ER trip that night and found out he had broken his ankle. I took him to the Orthopedic doctor expecting him to cast it and send us away for 6-8 weeks, when he said Hunter's ankle would need to be operated on. It was right in the growth plate, and needed some help to heal right. So, that was Tuesday, surgery was scheduled for Thursday.

On Wednesday, I was at a Primary Presidency meeting when I get a call from Scott telling me I need to come home. He didn't want to tell me why, he just wanted me to come home. That's never a good sign in my book, so after a little yelling :) he tells me. He had just got laid off from Sharp. I told him I'd be right home. Hung up the phone, and proceeded to say a very bad word. Talk about your very worst nightmare.

Hunter's surgery went very well. He is on the mend. He is getting to do a lot of reading, crossword puzzles, math puzzles etc. I printed him a math puzzle yesterday, that I looked at and went....hmmmm. My boy is smarter than me.

Within an hour of being laid off, Scott had updated his resume and started networking. He knows a lot of people. Hopefully, all of this networking pays off.

I (we) are trying to look on the bright side of things, like...we have no debt, our cars are paid off, we got some severance pay, lets see what else, I don't have to take Hope to Costco with me, I can run in the afternoon when it gets warm, fall is a beautiful time of year here, I have lots of friends and family who love me.


  1. i gotta say that not having to take hope to costco with you is a crack up. way to see the bright side. p.s. she was adorable on the phone last night. i want to bite her.

    scott is a networker. he's also a hard worker, and people know that. this will pay off. and we'll all keep praying for him/the whole family in the meantime.

    i love you, sis.

  2. Hang in there! It has got to look up!

  3. Wow! October has been the month for you! Hang in there! We'll keep you in our prayers. Things will look up! Just think, with all this wind and rain, you can have fun indoor camp outs and fires in the fireplace!

  4. I know it will all work out. Please tell Scott to hang in there as well. This has got to be frustrating for all involved. Hope Hunter feels better and that the kids enjoy having their Dad around right now.

  5. Everything WILL work out. And you DO have friends and family who love you.

  6. Goodness...I need to check in with you more often. So sorry about all your news. I hope Hunter is mending quickly and I have no doubt that Scott will find something quickly! We'll be thinking about you!! Hang in there!

  7. So glad tohear Hunter is back to school. I agree with the other posts that things will work out and we are all praying for you.
