Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Talk to me Mommy!

I have found myself saying "I used to do this" or "I used to do that". Blogging was one of the them. I'm not going to say that. I still want to blog. Present tense. After you haven't blogged for a while, it's hard to blog again. I have almost blogged so many times, but then I always get side tracked or second guess myself.

Boo! I have blogged again. Goal for today, maybe this week?? To slow down and enjoy the loves of my life. This morning I got a call from a friend. We were discussing YW stuff for church. I talked on the phone 3/4 of the way to preschool. Usually, I try not to talk on the phone when I take Hope to pre-k, it's our time together. But this morning I had some business to discuss. Hope kept trying to say something, and I'd have to tell her "just a minute". Finally, she had enough and she told me to get off the phone, I wasn't talking to her on the ride to school and she missed talking to me!! I immediately got off the phone and talked with my girl. I felt like a crust. It got me wondering, do the most important people in my life feel the most important? Always room for improvement, right?

1 comment:

  1. i love when you blog!!!

    funny - i read an article yesterday about a quick and easy way to be a better parent: getting off the phone and being present when you walk in. this was directly mostly at men, coming home from work. but i do think it sends a message to kids that they're important to be greeted with your whole attention. you know, cause in a couple years, she'll probably not want to talk as much as she does now... i love that she bossed you!

    keep blogging more! pictures next time, even!? :)
