Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hill to Coast wrap up

It's done! I had a great time at Hood to Coast. It was hard as can be, but lots of fun. My team started at 8:30 am on Friday, my van didn't start running until about 1ish. Times are very mixed up for me. I was in a Hood to Coast vacuum. Eating, sleeping even exercising were all done at very strange times and places. I ran my first leg at about 3ish. Then we had some time off while van 1 ran their second legs. We ate dinner and chilled and we were back at in at about midnight. I was the second runner in our van. My middle of the night run was the one I was nervous about. Good reason too, it SUCKED!!!! a)it was in the middle of the night b) it was all uphill. And by uphill I mean up a mountain. About 10 minutes in, I thought what the heck?? Then I hooked up with this dude John from DC and we chatted, then we hooked up with some other person, and we just chatted and complained until we were up the mountain. Finally, at the end it was downhill, and downhill never felt so good. I was so happy, proud, relieved, pooped, excited to be done with a run. I had some Gatorade, which made my "stomach" a little sick ;) After some Imodium all was well. After our second legs, we parked the van and slept for about 3 hours. It felt like heaven. Then we were out for our final leg. I was wanting to just get it done! I didn't know the other ladies in the van so well before, but got to know them quite well during the race. We had a great van. 3 of the women had done the race many many times. Two of them wrapped the van like none other. The LaCamas teams were the "Head Hunters" so we had a crazy jungle/pirate/skull theme. We had people taking pictures all day and night. They packed us each a little backpack full of fun stuff, and made us shirts and matching hats! Loved them. I am not really very sore, we were all very careful to stretch and use "the stick" after each run. I have soaked in Epsom salts and have taken a nap today. I'm feeling good. That's all for now, I'm off to make a little dinner and pick up the house (just a little).


  1. Congrats Heather! That is such an accomplishment. You're amazing!!!

  2. Yay for you! We've been hearing about this from Chris C. and his brothers -- and you are amazing.

  3. Way to go! Was the hill was worse than the one in Castro, cause that was only a little ways and it killed me! You rock!

  4. I'm so proud to know you! What an accomplishment! And the stick? I learned something new. It looks cool. Of course, my dirty mind went somewhere totally different when you mentioned using "the stick" after the run...just sayin ;)

  5. GOOD FOR YOU!! I'm sad your previous post didn't show my comment - I was encouraging and quite supportive - I'm just saying.
    Anyway, how would you rate H2C - harder than a marathon cause of the 24 hr. deal?
    And 16 out of 30 is still good!
