Tuesday, January 12, 2010

a couple of Christmas pictures

My cute new hat from my friend. At the very bottom of the present pile, there was this lone present from "Santa". At first I thought Scott had secretly worked with my friend Lisa to obtain this hat. She had one similar, and I loved it. But after the blank stare from Scott, and his comment to the kids that "I must have bought it for myself", I knew it was my friend. I love it. This picture is mostly for my Mom who has wanted to see it since Christmas. I posted a picture of it MOM!!! :)
DVD from my Mom and Dad

All the kids sleep together on Christmas Eve. Just like when I was a kid, all the girls would sleep together. Good memories!

Christmas morning, we had just checked and made sure Santa had come.

Hope got lip gloss from Hannah. We all had lots and lots and lots of lip gloss...all day long. I was surprised there was some left at the end of the day.

Hayden got this hat from Hannah for Christmas, and Hayden wanted to see what Rocky looked like in it. hahaPosted by Picasa


  1. cute hat, heather.

    i love the pictures of the kids on christmas. it made me really miss you all. we were there last christmas. ahhhhh.

  2. I think I'm totally going to steal your idea about sleeping together on Christmas Eve. How adorable! See ya on Thursday!

  3. Now I know why you love the hat. So cute. Looks like you carried on the Jones traditions and everyone had fun. Thank you for sharing the pictures.

  4. Yeah, that hat is adorable. I'm pretty sure you were supposed to look into a website for me to buy one!!!
