Wednesday, February 15, 2012

a few things

A few random things for you:

#1 We had a Pioneer Woman themed Super Bowl party this year. It was fun, and it was oh so yummy. I made her wings recipe. They were fantastic, and I don't really care that much about wings. I made 2 batches. The first one, I fried them!! I don't fry anything, but I fried those. I wanted to channel Ree, and Ree told me to fry so I did. I hated myself a little bit for doing it too. The house smelled, even Hope walked down and said what is that yucky smell. So, the next batch I put the wings on a piece of parchment on a cookie sheet and I BAKED them. Seriously, people couldn't tell the difference. I could tell, and I liked the baked flavor better, but I had Scott taste test, and he said they tasted the same. I think the secret is the yummy sauce, and when that's slathered all over the wings, who can tell?? So, if you do make her recipe, save your house the mess and the smell and bake them.

#2My gym has bought 12 TRX suspension trainers. Go here if you don't know what the heck I'm talking about. My gym in WA had one suspension trainers, and I worked out on it a few times right before we moved. I did a little mini intro class today, and I start my for real class in a week and a half. I'm very excited! It was hard, and I loved it.

#3 For Valentine's Day, Scott agreed to build a fence for my garden. I planted about $100 worth of greens and other stuff a few months ago, and it gotten eaten up entirely. In the other house we had the garden on this side of our fence. Here, we have a fence and then we have green space behind, so we thought we'd put it on that side of the fence. It wasn't necessarily a good idea. I was crushed one morning to find all my kale, lettuce, spinach, and herbs gone, right down to the nub. The only thing that was left were radishes. Apparently, the deer don't like the radishes, it makes them gassy. So, I bought so more plants, because I'm stubborn like that. I only spent $30 this time, I'll see if my fence works or if I will just have to more the whole darn garden inside the fence.

#4 I'm about to make 3 rainbow cakes! They are for YW New Beginnings next Tuesday. I'm going to try and get all the cake parts made today. We'll see...

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