Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Beginnings

I woke up this morning first thing and went for a run with Rocky. It really was nice to get up and get that done. I knew the rest of my day was going to be slammed, so if I didn't do it then it would not get done. Usually, I wake up and go for a nice walk with Rocky, but not today. Up, out of bed, running all in like 5 minutes. That's how to wake it up in the morning.

Last night was New Beginnings at church. As you can tell from the pictures we did the rainbow theme. The cake was a huge hit. All three cakes GONE! Those cakes were fun, I'm glad I made them, I have been wanting to making them for years, BUT they were very time consuming. I probably spent 8 hours total on those cakes. We had 8 different speakers talk on each of the values. I also spoke, and our personal progress specialist and then the bishop. The current beehives each spotlighted the new upcoming beehives, we have 9 coming up, and gave them a cute bracelet they had made. I was happy with how it turned out and even happier it was done!! One of the classes made those paper streamer things and we weren't sure how to use them, but they came in handy covering up the seminary chalk board. We also had a rainbow fruit kabob and different dishes of candy on the food table, and these cute banners hung on the wall for each girl with the goals they want to accomplish this year written on them. But I am stinky and did not take pictures of all that. I got busy.

I just got back from the dentist. I am weird and I like getting my teeth cleaned. It is so relaxing to me. Crazy, right? All except for those times when she hits my recede areas...that doesn't feel so good. I need these gums grafts that I have been putting off for about a year. This summer! It's going to happen this summer. Who wants to have their mouth all torn apart? Anyone? No, me neither. I have dreams that my teeth are loose or they are falling out of my head. I think usually that means something all Freudian like, but for me?? I think I might be worried my teeth will fall out.

Everyone was super friendly this morning at the dentist. I think our family file has been flagged. There was a scheduling conflict with the 2 boys at Christmas time. I may have made a little bit of a stink about it too. (insert nervous laugh) I won't go into all the details, but I was right. ;) THEN Scott goes in for a cleaning and fills out the little "how did we do" form. And he asked...where are the dentists? It was true, we had all been in the last year and none of us saw hide nor hair of the dentist. So, Scott happened to...mention that. He got a very nice hand written note back from the dentist explaining their policy. You better believe I saw the dentist today, and boy was he nice. haha. Oh well, my teeth are all clean and sparkly.

I'm meeting my friend Carrie, from Houston, for lunch today. I really need to hurry and clean up the house just a little. What? With New Beginnings and all it looks like a bomb may have exploded in here. But...I probably won't, she's a good friend she will understand.


  1. i love the nervous laugh. i'm so glad i got to see a piece of the rainbow cake. i want to make one, but probably won't until i have a child request it. i like going to the dentist, too... as long as no cavities - and i've had a good past few years.

  2. I was just so glad to see you - and your house is never that bad. I am glad you did not feel pressure - that is a real friend. Someone you DON'T have to clean your house for!
