Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

It's 8:30 and I'm pooped. It started early, Hayden was barfing upstairs. I love big kids that barf in the toilet, thank heavens for good aim"ers" in the toilet! He is a good aim at barfing that is... When Hayden is sick, he likes the tender loving care. Not over board in your face TLC, but he likes you there. I had to take Hope to preschool, but I hurried home. I really wanted to work-out, but I knew that was going to be a NO go. So, I did a quick little 3 mile loop. Done in a flash before he hardly knew I was gone. I did manage to time his barfs so I didn't miss any, and even made it to Hope's Valentine's Day party. She would have been very sad if I missed. I finally was able to take Hunter to get his permit today! He is probably driving home from the church as we speak. Church? I didn't go tonight because I needed to stay home and care for the sick child. At least once today, I was able to use that in my favor! Hannah was sweet and stayed home while Hunter and I were at the DPS. I don't think she minded much, she was perfecting the art of French braiding her own hair. Something I never perfected, my head or her's.

1 comment:

  1. hunter finally got it! yay! your kids are sweet - i really hope hayden feels better by now!
