Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I used to...

A little while ago, I found myself telling somebody I "used" to run. What?? I used to? That didn't sit well with me, I didn't like that I used to do something that I used to enjoy so much. At that time, I had not run consistently for about a year. So, I started running again. Not everyday by any means, just once or twice a week, but enough that I'm still doing it, mixing up my gym workouts, and enjoying it. But not too much that my bunions hurt and my toenails fall off. Gross, I know, but both things are true stories.

I made a quilt right after I got married. There was this cute little quilting store in Barrington, IL right by where Scott and I lived. I had never quilted, but I liked to go in and look at all the things people created. I liked to look at the fabric. So, I took this class on how to make a quilt in one day. WELL, it didn't take me one day. It took me awhile, it fact years. Don't get me wrong, I had the top pieced together in a couple days, then it sat. I didn't quite know how to sew the borders on, or quilt it or just plain finish the darn thing up, so it sat and sat and sat. Until my Mother said, "Oh give me that thing!!" And she finished it. I went to NYC a year and a half ago with my girls (friends from Houston) on our annual girls trip. We went into this fabric store. I hadn't thought about quilting in a long time. That was something I "used" to do...or did once anyway. But oooooh, I loved looking at the fabric, and I got sort of excited about making something. I fell in love with the fabric, and remember wanting to just frame some and hang it on my walls. I should probably listen to my inner self and just do it. Anyway, I made a quilt for my new nephew. I'm thinking I want to make another one. A quilt that is and probably for me, not Mikey. Love you Mikey!

I used to blog, too, all of the time. Multiple posts in one day, even! Now, that seems like crazy talk, but I don't want that to be fall into the category of something I used to do and enjoy. Years go by and we get busy, and we stop doing things we like. I remember this one time in church, I can't even remember what the lesson was on, but we were going around telling the room things we liked to do. I remember this one woman, couldn't think of one thing she liked or wanted to do. Tragic I thought. I want to keep doing things I like, keep trying new things, keep going back to the things that used to excite me and make me feel more me. So, I'm going to give it my best shot and blog more regularly.

1 comment:

  1. oh & you gave the blog a fancy little face lift - momma likey.

    i'm glad that you're going to start blogging a little more regularly - i love when you do.

    i started doing a couch to 5k yesterday. that by no means makes me a runner, but it is something i'm trying out.

    you're welcome to make another quilt for my next baby - give me about a year & maybe i'll be getting ready to have one. hahaha
